When the heart opens

2013-04-18 00.44.25

When a hidden door is unlocked, and a heart opens, it is like,

A flower blooming in the sunlight
A river breaking through a dam
A veil lifting from the soul
A bird taking a flight for the first time

When the heart awakens, souls connect and Chakras align, it is that kind of spiritual awakening that liberates our emotions and expands our love universally. It increases the sensitivity to energies, releases emotional barriers, and integrates vulnerability and strength.

This spiritual awakening is a gate to healing through forgiveness, elevating our compassion and connection to all beings.

The heart energy shifts from personal to universal, and there’s this beautiful realization that love is a fundamental part of existence, beyond just the physical or emotional experience.

This energy allows us to let go of past hurts and maintains the heart’s natural flow of love and compassion, clearing stagnant emotions and creating space for new, healing energy.

Deep emotional connections with others provide the space for vulnerability, trust, and mutual healing.

As you open your heart, it invites others to do the same, creating a loop of loving energy. A conversation of souls.

The open heart allows for deeper, more meaningful relationships, where love is expressed freely and genuinely. It also increases the energy shared between souls, leading to greater mutual growth and healing.

When sex is experienced through an open heart, it becomes a physical manifestation of love, rather than purely an expression of lust or attraction. It becomes a way to communicate care, affection, and appreciation for the partner, aligning the physical act with emotional and spiritual intentions. In this sense, sex is not just an action but a language of love.

In its most transcendent form, being in that state during sex leads to the feeling of a union beyond the physical, it’s the merging of souls. The heart acts as the bridge between the personal and the universal, allowing both partners to feel a sense of oneness that goes beyond individual identity. In this state, sex becomes a sacred act, where the connection is not just between two people but between two souls, deeply intertwined with the flow of universal love and energy. A state where energy is mutually generated and not depleted.

It’s an ongoing process that is asking for consistent self-awareness, self-compassion, and emotional care. When taken well care of, the heart can remain a powerful source of love, creativity, and connection.

It’s so beautiful, so loving, so meaningful, so transcendental, that it dissolves the ego, and is lifting us to a new level of consciousness, where love and compassion can flow more freely, connecting us to the universal energies, allowing universal love to emerge and creating a feeling of oneness.
